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Strangles case identified at our Norfolk farm

Strangles case identified at our Norfolk farm

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Storms and flooding mean temporary closure for Glenda Spooner Farm
Little donkeys shine a light on our Christmas appeal

Little donkeys shine a light on our Christmas appeal

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Celebrating our often-unsung heroes who work 365 days a year

Celebrating our often-unsung heroes who work 365 days a year

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Horses reunited with the women who fought for their survival 

Horses reunited with the women who fought for their survival 

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New names and bright futures for ‘smuggled’ mare and her days old foal – named Ada and Cole after our inspirational founder

New names and bright futures for ‘smuggled’ mare and her days old foal – named Ada and Cole after our inspirational founder

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Has National Volunteer Week inspired you to lend us a hand?

Has National Volunteer Week inspired you to lend us a hand?

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Penny Farm rescues pain-riddled ponies as negligent owner jailed

Penny Farm rescues pain-riddled ponies as negligent owner jailed

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Happy Hounds Breakfast Club new at Penny Farm

Happy Hounds Breakfast Club new at Penny Farm

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Poppy is a total poppet

Poppy is a total poppet

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