Working equids and the SDGs
Horses are a vital and relevant part of human society across the world.

Animal sentience must be recognised in law to protect horse welfare.

Protection of equines during transport
We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to end long-distance transport of equines across the EU for slaughter.

Horse welfare at slaughter
The slaughter of horses is a very emotive topic but it can be an acceptable end of life option.

Protecting horses from disease
There is an ever present and increasing threat of disease affecting our horses globally.

Responsible horse ownership
Encouraging and supporting responsible ownership is the cornerstone of horse welfare.

Equine ID and traceability
Correct identification ensures horses are visible and their welfare is better protected.

Equine meat labelling
Equine meat should be labelled for Country of Origin and welfare information.

Horses in sport
We support the responsible use of horses in sport so long as their welfare is put first.

Horses and fireworks
Fireworks can cause stress and fear in horses and potentially result in severe accidents.

Horse meat scandal
In early 2013, it came to light that horse meat had been mislabelled as beef, highlighting just how little information is available to consumers on where their food comes from.

Exclusion from the food chain
Rules on the exclusion of equines for good from the food chain should be reviewed to avoid major risks to equine welfare.

Horse smuggling to/from Great Britain
Horse export and import laws in the UK should be better enforced to stop horses being moved under the radar.

Maximum sentences must be tough and proportionate to discourage animal cruelty.

Horse crisis in the UK
More than 6,000 horses at risk of neglect or suffering in England and Wales.

Horse welfare during transport in GB
We believe improvements could be made to improve the welfare of equines during transport in Great Britain.

Horse welfare enforcement
Enforcement of legislation is critical to ensuring the welfare of horses around the world.

Equine rescue centres and sanctuaries
Ensuring good welfare standards at all places where vulnerable horses are cared for.

Equine meat from non-EU countries
Equine meat imported from third countries should follow similar rules as the ones applying within the EU borders.