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Our charity calls for improved laws to protect Europe’s seven million horses

Our charity calls for improved laws to protect Europe’s seven million horses

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Investigation into smuggled horses highlights abhorrent exploitation

Investigation into smuggled horses highlights abhorrent exploitation

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Smuggled Irish horses highlight urgent need for better protection of equines

Smuggled Irish horses highlight urgent need for better protection of equines

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Outrage as more horses being smuggled out of the UK are intercepted a year after we rescued 26 from similar circumstances 
Horses rescued from being cruelly smuggled abroad are progressing well
New names and bright futures for ‘smuggled’ mare and her days old foal – named Ada and Cole after our inspirational founder

New names and bright futures for ‘smuggled’ mare and her days old foal – named Ada and Cole after our inspirational founder

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A historic moment: UK bans live export of horses for slaughter
MSPs from all political parties urged to support an improved equine ID system 

MSPs from all political parties urged to support an improved equine ID system 

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New animation launches our #StopHorseSmuggling campaign

New animation launches our #StopHorseSmuggling campaign

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Birth of first foal from rescued ‘smuggled’ Dover 26 horses

Birth of first foal from rescued ‘smuggled’ Dover 26 horses

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