Through our joint work within the International Coalition for Working Equids (ICWE), we are directly linking a healthy working equid’s contribution to the welfare of the 600 million people who rely on them.  

It is estimated that 112 million working equids (horses, ponies, donkeys and mules) work tirelessly to support families and communities by transporting goods, firewood, rubbish and materials, as well as water and of course, people.  The usually invisible working equid is integral in the prosperity of humans and brings great value to the world’s economy. 

Download our joint ICWE booklet – Achieving Agenda 2030: How the Welfare of Working Animals Delivers for Development- to learn more.

Achieving Agenda 2030 brochure

ICWE Achieving Agenda

Find out how the welfare of working animals delivers for development

ICWE Achieving Agenda
Achieving Agenda 2030 brochure

Find out how the welfare of working animals delivers for development

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