Our international programme delivers community-based projects to positively impact the welfare of working horses, donkeys and mules and by doing so strengthen the livelihoods of the people who depend on them.

200 million working equids are essential to the livelihoods of some of the poorest communities around the world. Our projects empower people with knowledge and influence change to improve the welfare of these equids, keeping them fit and healthy for work. 

Our work globally

We sustainably impact the welfare of working equids and the livelihoods of the communities who depend on them.

African Horse Sickness in Asia

Supporting horse owners across Cambodia to help prevent the spread of African Horse Sickness.

Our Campaigns

Since we were founded in 1927 we have influenced more than 50 pieces of legislation, helping to bring about better welfare provision for horses.

Emergency feed relief schemes

Relief schemes work collaboratively in supporting owners to provide food for their working equids.

Worldwide collaborations

Our partnerships with local organisations and institutions help to ensure that our projects are appropriate and sustainable.

Educational Webinars

Our projects have explored alternative ways to educate and engage with horse owners and professionals.

International Coalition for Working Equids

We are proud to be part of the International Coalition for Working Equids alongside Brooke, SPANA and The Donkey Sanctuary.

Women’s group in Nepal

Women’s group members have diversified their work to find new ways of providing for their families.

Sustainable Development Goals

We strive to help countries achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

Responsible tourism

Help improve the lives of working horses, donkeys and mules in many holiday destinations around the world.

Helping horses during Covid 19

The impact of Covid-19 on both horses and people has been devastating to those already on a knife edge.

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