Nervous rescue pony Alicia becomes show ring star

Alicia, a seven-year-old black cob mare standing at 13.3hh, has gone from being a nervous rescue pony to a showing star thanks to the dedication of rehomer Tasha Webb.

Alicia came into our care early in 2016 as a welfare concern. On arrival at our Belwade Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre she was underweight, infested with lice, totally unhandled and very nervous.

With specialist care and endless patience from her groom, Alicia began to flourish and in time she was ready to find a new home. Alicia had made huge progress but she needed an experienced rehomer who could give her lots of one-to-one care and attention, as she was still a little nervous with new people. Enter Tasha!

Tasha rehomed Alicia in July 2018 as a companion with potential, who could be backed to ride once she had settled in her new home and built a bond with her rehomer.

Alicia took a couple of months to fully settle in with us and find her feet, as she was still a bit nervous about life. However, she’s really blossomed as her confidence has grown and it’s lovely that her cheeky character is starting to come out now. Her party trick is reversing up to people to ask for tail scratches, which is very funny!

Tasha Webb, Alicia’s rehomer

With her newly found confidence, Tasha started taking Alicia out to in-hand show and on only her sixth outing they qualified for TOYS, the Traditional Gypsy Cob Association national championship. This incredible achievement shows how Alicia has thrived in Tasha’s care and proves just what rescue cobs can go on to do.

Tasha and Alicia didn’t quite make it to TOYS this year, due to unexpected events at the eleventh hour, but have already qualified for TOYS 2020 with flying colours after Alicia took the TGCA Question For A Star champion and section champion at their next show.

Tasha has recently backed Alicia to ride, intending to concentrate on doing dressage over the winter and then begin her showing career under saddle in earnest next year.

It’s wonderful how Alicia has come on in the year that I’ve had her – it’s been lovely to see her come out of her shell and I’m so proud of her qualifying for TOYS. She proves just what rescue cobs can do – don’t underestimate them as they really can shine. I’m thrilled by Alicia’s achievements already and very excited to see what the next chapter brings.

Tasha, Alicia’s rehomer

Feeling inspired to rehome by the story of Alicia’s transformation? Check out our horses and ponies who are ready to find new homes now.

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