You can find out more about applying for a bursary with us on our Veterinary undergraduate bursaries page.

Year AwardedStudent Study YearUniversityUGB title and location
2025EMSUniversity of DublinThe Reliability of Equine Glandular Gastric Disease grading methods used by Veterinarians
2025Final yearUniversity of CambridgeAn investigation into owner perceptions of equine infectious diseases in Cambodian working equids
2025EMSUniversity of LiverpoolIs equine parasite management in Northern Ireland different? An exploration of beliefs, practices and the application of guidelines created in the mainland UK and Republic of Ireland
2024Final yearUniversity of CambridgeThe epidemiology of endocrinopathic laminitis in extensively grazed native pony herds
2024EMSUniversity of NottinghamA scoping review of equine physiotherapy to inform evidence-based decision
2024Student Research Component as part of the BVM&S degreeUniversity of EdinburghThe impact of gender dynamics on the welfare of working equids in the Nepalgunj region of Nepal
2023Year 3 EMSUniversity of BristolInvestigating the role of the Agrovet and worming protocols in treating Panamanian working equids (Panama)
2023Year 5 EMSUniversity of LiverpoolUK equine assisted therapy – what’s in it for the horse? (UK)
2020Year 3 EMSUniversity College DublinEvaluation of the effect of owner knowledge on their perceptions of and attitudes towards common health conditions in horses (Ireland)
2020Year 3 EMSUniversity of GlasgowAn investigation into the link between work and health in working equines in Guatemala (Guatemala)
2019Year 5 Research Project Equine electiveUniversity of CambridgeDeveloping a model of open equine castration for educational purposes (UK)
2019Year 3 EMSUniversity of NottinghamHorses’ behaviour during tacking up and mounting: do horse owners recognise abnormal behaviour? (UK)
2019Year 3 EMSUniversity College DublinAspects of endocrine diseases in equines (Ireland)
2019Year 3 Research ProjectUniversity of EdinburghHeadshaking and potassium: The missing link? (UK)
2019Year 4 EMSUniversity of BristolThe impact of World Horse Welfare’s Farrier and Harness Projects on equine welfare and owner attitudes towards equine welfare (Senegal)

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