Celienne with her family of six lives in Thomazeau where she earns 4,000 gourdes (about £35) per month selling her agricultural produce.  

Her mule, Brigan, carries the goods to market, is the primary mode of transport for the family, ferries water from the river and works the land. With all of this heavy work Brigan developed wounds on his back and Celienne had no knowledge of how to treat them or who to go to for help. 

How has our project helped?

Celienne brought Brigan to one of our project’s clinics because his wound was very severe and had been there for over two months. Brigan was given immediate treatment- cleaning the wound and helping to alleviate his pain.

Our clinic worked alongside a local veterinary agent, Wislene. The team provided her with guidance on how to continue treatment with Brigan.  

Celienne continued to bring Brigan to Wislene and within two weeks the wound had healed. In the future Celienne now knows who to seek help from if Brigan becomes hurt or injured in the future.

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